Please join me in welcoming back Bobbie Richardson to The Energy That Surrounds Us. Bobbie has had communication and visitation by otherworldly and interdimensional Beings since she remembers. Gifted with the ability to see into and experience other dimensions. Bobbie's connection to her soul gifts her many perspectives and connections to Benevolent Beings including the Cyanians, Pleiadians, Gaia, Elementals, and Arcturians. An ACTIVATOR of your POWERFUL LOVING AUTHENTIC self. Bridging humanity with New Earth frequencies aligned with all. Motivational Speaker, Seer, Channeler, Empath, Visionary Author/Illustrator, Artist, Singer-Songwriter, Video Producer, YouTuber, and Proud Mum. A Mum who found wisdom through spiritual guidance. I have seen many different 'beings' giving me information since I was a child till I was 50 years old. Many were guides showing me the path to higher frequencies that lay dormant within, some were people who had passed over, others were those showing me the power I denied myself. I was taken to different dimensions on Earth, places that humanity can tap into once they find balance within and take their own authentic power back. They showed me humanity's potential by introducing me to others who could confirm these potentials and by teaching me to clear my mind at least for a moment to manifest what I asked for. There is a lot to my life, many stories of things most wouldn't even want to accept, but each time I asked for more confirmation I received it, this eventually was something I could no longer deny as even dreams started to come true. My passion is to align humanity with their potential by re-awakening the right brain. To ignite our natural abilities that of the intuition and imagination, giving us new abilities which I call the 3T's other than the 3 R's that of Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, and much more, thus giving humanity a whole new perspective into our reality, one where we are all responsible for our own creations. Thus connecting us with Earth and her magic and the vastness of other beings of higher vibrations from the stars. Taking back our power within to create a world we all LOVE and are proud of. A seer and channeler, Bobbie has been visited and taken to other dimensional realities. Her drive has taken her deep down the rabbit hole to finding out what humanity can become after having many messages have been given to her. One of the most amazing events Bobbie has had in this reality, is meeting a Cherokee Elder named Grandmother Pa'Ris'Ha from Ohio who took her hand in 2006 and talked to her telepathically for over an hour, this directed her attention into asking - 'What is humanities potential?'. Her story has not only healed her own issues as she challenged herself to look at herself honestly, she now has the wisdom handed to her by other dimensional beings to help others who are ready to step out of the matrix and into their own potential reality. We are here to help humanity wake up to their potential and invite you to join us and many more on Earth to co-create something wonderful together. Bobbie has also begun her patreon school called Amakel - A New Reality School and has an upcoming trip to New York where she will be channeling live on stage, which is tied to a Go-Fun-Me page linked below.
Go Fund Me:
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