Come join Michael as he sits down to chat with the Vegas Ghost Girls Paranormal Investigators. Hi, my name is Susie. I’m the leading investigator of Vegas ghost girls paranormal investigators my sister Bonnie Verssen and Renee Sarik are the other two girls that are in VegasGhostgirls. I didn’t start thinking about searching until after my dad died in 2001 I didn’t seriously start until 2011 when my mom died that’s when I got my equipment first equipment. I did my first channel and videos in 2017 that’s when I officially became Vegas ghost girls paranormal. About myself, I’m 56-year-old married mother of three great kids who are all grown, been married for 22 years to a wonderful man named Rue and I’m an intuitive empath and in tarot reader and astrology, which means I can read peoples energies and feel energies of a room or place that I’m at or object I can feel I’m very in tune with energy more than my mediumship abilities now I can hear Spirit sometimes and I can see Spirit sometimes I started seeing spirits since I was four but I didn’t realize they were spirits. I just thought they were real my first best friend was a spirit and I didn’t realize his name was Billie and. I didn’t realize he was a spirit until I became a paranormal investigator myself, and I was read by a medium and was told that one of my guides name was Billie and I go. I don’t know any Billie and then I totally forgot about him and it triggered, my sister said our grandfather‘s name was William but he was he went by Billie. He came to me as a kid because he didn’t wanna scare me so he’s been watching over me since I was two years old because he died when I was two years old. I always feel him with me but I see him as my grandpa now not as a little Billie weird huh? And occasionally, I do see Spirit here and there. I think it’s so cool. It doesn’t scare me. I find it comforting. The only Spirit that scared me was when I was seven we used to play with an Ouija board in the attic like an idiot lol and one night we were going to sleep and I saw you know when you sleep and it’s darker than dark. It’s so dark you can’t see anything well I saw three entities about 4 feet tall, darker than dark in cloaks with red eyes, moving from the front of my room by the door towards my bed and making this funny noise as they walked towards me and I froze I couldn’t move. I couldn’t scream and I was trying to scream my sister and I couldn’t and then right when they got to my bed I got enough air and for my mom and they vanished and then I could move and I called my sister and everybody came in and I was from then on until I was 18 did I see a spirit I didn’t see a spirit until I was 18. I think I blocked it out of my blocked my ability to see because I was so scared now my sister Bonnie she has premonition dreams. She’s very intuitive and she’s also an empath, but she’s very intuitive but her and her premonitions usually come true so when she tells me she had a premonition, I listen! We didn’t start investigating until our real investigation until 2017. I think was when I did David Allman‘s house in Beverly hills on CeeLo Drive whatever anyway he lives about like 200 feet from where the Manson murders occurred and they all want his house the house next-door well one year it was a Friday the 13th in fact he was having a Ghost hunt of his house and the house next door let’s just say we had a lot of things going on that night between the two houses
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