Trying out a new possible show today. May be once a month show or twice a month. We will see and will share when we decide if going to make a go of it or say we gave it all we could..... Hope you all enjoy and can catch using any links below. This will be on Facebook and YouTube.
Come and check out Jenny Sullivan Sunyasi and Michael Kopf as they chit chat about all things in the paranormal. Ireland meets USA as we share our knowledge and experiences with each other and all who watch. Michael Kopf is currently the host of The Energy That Surrounds Us podcast/vodcast show and co-hosts Paranormal Vs. podcast/vodcast show with Kell Ridley. Jenny Sullivan Sunyasi is host of the Shadow Whispers in the Night podcast/vodcast show. Jenny has a paranormal team in Ireland called Emerald Isle Paranormal Research. Michael is apart of the Ghost Ship Hunters team and collaborates with 6 other teams. You never know what we may talk about and share so please watch and enjoy.
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You can join the chatroom live via the following links:
Paranormal United Network-Paralanx Plus
Shadow Whispers In The Night
Ghost squad, Scotland Network
Emerald Isle Paranormal Researchers
Rev. Michael Kopf
Emerald Isle Paranormal Research