Join Michael Kopf as he talks with Joshua Cutchin Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at a special time 8pmCST. Joshua Cutchin is a full-time author and musician specializing in speculative non-fiction. He is the author of seven critically-acclaimed books. Joshua’s most recent non-fiction publication is the two-part 2022 entry entitled Ecology of Souls: A New Mythology of Death & the Paranormal, which seeks to reconcile ancient concepts of the soul with modern phenomena such as UFOs, fairy sightings, cryptid encounters, and extended consciousness. He has headlined as a guest speaker at numerous paranormal conventions throughout the United States, has appeared on hundreds of podcasts, and in 2019 was featured on the hit History Channel series Ancient Aliens. 2023 saw the release of his first work of fiction, the novel Them Old Ways Never Died.
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